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Alex Jones - The Order of Death - Page 10

Author: Edward L Winston
Added: August 31st, 2009

This is page 10 of my discussion on the Alex Jones film The Order of Death. If you were linked here by mistake, please refer to page one of this article, which contains the introduction.

If you haven't read my article on the first film, please do it now! If you haven't, don't contact me and complain when you claim I haven't debunked anything in this article, because almost all of it is covered in the first film and barely touched on here.

In the fall of 2004, while in New York to cover the Republican National Convention, we ran into David Gergen, the Karl Rove of four presidential administrations.

[Alex Jones]
Okay, one last question. I read a Washington Times article many years ago where you had a comment about the organization and then now it's been in the Wall Street Journal, it's been in a lot of different newspapers, and that's the Bohemian Grove. And back in what was it, 19 uh...96 when you joined as a Clinton advisor. They were, the Republicans were criticizing you, "Oh what about Bohemian Grove?" And then you counter them by saying, "Hey, I don't run around in the woods naked." What'd that mean?

[Alex Jones]
Here is the before mentioned Washington Times article where he said I didn't run around naked like they did.

[David Gergen]
I-I I don't know what quote you're referring to, I'm not aware of any quote like that. Uh, listen, uh, I am...uh, a happy member of Bohemian Grove. I like the folks who come there and uh, it's really inappropriate for me to talk about um, uh, the group beyond that. Thank you.

I discuss this on Page 2 of the first article.

[Alex Jones]
Have you been there for the ceremony, when the uh, Cremation of Care?

[David Gergen]
Uh...frankly that's uh, I don't think that's something I need to talk to you about.

[Alex Jones]

[David Gergen]
That's right.

[Alex Jones]
Well I'm Alex Jones and I snuck in there in 2000. I'm the guy that blew it wide open. I got the video; it's been on national TV.

[David Gergen]
Well, I disrespect you for that.

[Alex Jones]
You do?

[David Gergen]
I do.

[Alex Jones]
But it's a lot of big public officials going in there, don't we deserve to know?

I stand by my question from the first article: I wonder what type of toilet paper the president uses. Further, what kind (if any) birth control does my governor use?

[David Gergen]
You, you took an, I don't know anything about you and I don't know anything about your film. But if you go in there with an understanding, you've violated that understanding by releasing that film and I don't respect you for that.

[Alex Jones]

[David Gergen]
You, you took an understanding when you went in there that you would no do that film, you did, did you have an understanding when you went in there?

[Alex Jones]

[David Gergen]
Did you crash it?

[Alex Jones]

[David Gergen]
Yeah and it has no trespassing signs there too, doesn't it?

[Alex Jones]
No, they put one after. I just walked in.

[David Gergen]
I'm sorry, I'm sorry sir, I've been there before, I know what the circumstances are and I'm sorry you violated the understandings. That was not a gentlemanly thing to do.

I agree, Alex Jones is a dick.

[Alex Jones]
But what about the ritual? Is the ritual genuinely?

[David Gergen]
Sir, uh, everything that you uh....I-I don't owe you this conversation. You-you-you have done what's called ambush journalism and I disrespect you for that as well. So thank you, goodbye.

[Alex Jones]
Did you ever, the ritual?

[David Gergen]
That's not of your damn business.

This guy's pretty hostile, but I guess I would be too if Alex Jones ambushed me and started pestering me about my fraternity. He seems like he's choking on his own rage.

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