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Consp-Science.com: A Case Study in Intellectual Inhibition
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Consp-Science.com: A Case Study in Intellectual Inhibition 4 Hours, 28 Minutes ago  
ConspiracyScience.com : A Case Study in Intellectual Inhibition

I am posting this article in the Humanities section for it pertains to Sociology and Psychology. Since I have been stuck in the UK, with only so much I can do, I have been occasionally reviewing the content and social activity on a website called ConspiracyScience.com. The issue I want to address here has nothing to do with the supposed “Debunking” of my films on the website, but rather the tactics, mentality and what I can only classify as a biased based mental illness of its author, Edward L Winston, along the near pathological nature of the rather Anti-TZM community it has fostered. I feel there is a great deal to learn from it in regard to the larger social problem of culturally influenced mental illness by way of memes and the circular reinforcement (feedback loops) that results within self-isolated groups.

In my lecture called Socially Pathology, I expanded this “Mind Lock” phenomenon in regard to how people censor information they receive based on socially contrived mental barriers they put up, which typically comes from assumptions of “normality”, which they have been indoctrinated into.

I think John McMurtry, a Prof. of Philosophy in Canada, put the basic issue well:
“In the last dark age, one can search the inquiries of this era’s preserved of thinkers from Augustine to...Ockham, and fail to discover a single page of criticism of the established social framework, however rationally insupportable feudal bondage, absolute paternalism, divine right of kings and the rest may be. In the current final order, is it so different? ...In such a social order, thought becomes indistinguishable from propaganda...Social consciousness is incarcerated within the role of a kind of ceremonial logic, operating entirely within the received framework of an exhaustively prescribed regulatory apparatus protecting the privileges of the privileged. Methodical censorship triumphs in the guise of scholarly rigor, and the only room left for searching thought becomes the game of competing rationalizations.”

We often think of censorship as a deliberate, conscious act, in an external context. Seldom do people realize that they have conditioned tendencies to censor information they personally receive, for the sake of their own identity. One might call this “Intellectual Inhibition”. Beliefs, and the emotions it creates, are often very difficult to transcend when conflicting information is presented that might challenge or void an existing belief. Such denial can manifest in many ways, often by finding/inventing a “justification” for the bias to prevail.

There are three points I would like to make in this regard:

1)The first we will call “Ideological Bigotry”- thus loosely defined as the dismissal/denouncing of a person, based on the mere presentation of conclusions which are outside of the other person's preferred reality.
In regard to Edward L Winston and many of the people participating in his community, a very common use of the derogatory term “Conspiracy Theorist” serves as a mantra of 'presupposed rejection' regarding certain forms of information. In other words, anyone who brings up a certain 'type' of information which might be susceptible to this “taboo” category, is often reduced to a “Conspiracy Theorist”.
What this really is, again, is Ideological Bigotry – a form of “opinion racism” if you will. Suddenly anyone who has questions about an historical act, which is contrary to the prevailing view, and beyond some biased, subjective threshold deemed “rational”- is likely just an nutty “Conspiracy Theorist”.
This is a powerful tool, which has been used by political propagandists since the dawn of time. The easiest way to stop people from investigating certain subject matters is to create fear. In a world driven by public image, many people today will not even consider alternative theories to certain events, such as 911 and like, because they simply don't want to be debased as a “Conspiracy Theorist.” This is a perfect tactic of social influence. As far as Edward L Winston, I don't feel he even understands what he is doing. It is a conditioned response. I think he is genuine in his disposition. It is, again, a form of mental illness, just like a racist feels when encountering what they might consider an “inferior” race.
So, if a prominent physicist stands up and claims contrary evidence to the current accepted reality of a certain phenomenon in this context, they are no longer a physicist- they are just a “Conspiracy Theorist”. This is similar to people who question the value of the Capitalist System who are thus denounced as “communists” in a artificial duality... or those who do not believe in god, who must then be “Satanists”, etc. If people are mere “Conspiracy Theorists” since they have different conclusions than the prevailing order in regard to some events, then it is only logical that all those who denounce such ideas be labeled “Coincidence Theorists”! Obviously, that is a joke, but I hope the point is clear.
Again, the best way to control people is to control thought through making “taboos” which, if explored, will demean the person's status. These social memes permeate peoples identity and, just like a racist, they project their biases into their environment, devoid of objective inquiry.

For more on this subject, in part, please see: #6 Does The Zeitgeist Movement support "Conspiracy Theories"?

2) Point two worthy of noting, has to do with a very common phenomenon of “Attacking the Messenger”, which is really just a variation of the aforementioned issue. Only this time it is more personal and based on finding some type of association which would serve to discredit a particular person directly. For example, I often hear: “Peter Joseph is just a a “college dropout” with “no credentials” – therefore there is no need to even regard his research in a serious way”.
As far as Con Sci, there is a whole article called “Cost of Movie”, dedicated to convincing the reader that I make tons of money off of the films I made and sell for 5$, as yet another attempt to discredit, this time by way a “red herring” that has nothing to do with anything related to the content of the works in question, or the self-proclaimed purpose of the website. The attack implies that I have stated that I make 'no money' off the films, when, in fact I have publicly talked about the money made and how it is used. To defend myself here for the sake of clarification, I have to survive in the financial system as well and must sell my work to do so. Given I allow my film to be downloaded for free, copied and given away... I have free internet streams of them, and I only charge a fraction of the commercial rate for a dvd, evidently I am still somehow the bad guy. Edward L Winston, choosing to lower himself to such irrational personal attacks, which have nothing to do with the debunking of the content of my film, further shows his presupposed biases and the mental limitation of his ability to be objective. “Attacking the Messenger” is always a dead give away when it comes to a compromised, biased disposition.

Other symptoms of what appear to be a pathological mental illness in this regard, is by creating a means which avoids having to research anything thoroughly. A statement such as 'Acharya S has been discredited by the academic community, therefore we don't have to followup on her sources.' is another variation.

As a case in point, Edward L Winston, in regard to his supposed refutation of the “Companion Guide” for Part 1 of Z1, states two things which reveal his bias:

He states:
“I have been getting many complaints from people who claim that I did not read the Companion Guide, so therefore I cannot debate the movie. My first argument against that is I was debating the facts in the movie, which does not include whatever is written in an e-book by another author.”

What is really being stated here is: “I refuse to research anything in regard to the sources of this information.”
You cannot debunk anything without reviewing the foundational info it was derived from, especially if it is a film which presents nothing more than a surface summery. Also, Acharya was the consultant for the first part and therefore a partial author.
Beyond the admission of an inherent dis-interest to 'get to the bottom' of the source for the work in question, the “refutation” he then does proceed with, which is based on a document that is 48 pages, with dozens of independent sources he would be inclined to review if there was any trace of scholarly vigor, ends up consisting of about 1 page, with only about 15, 7-10 line paragraphs with virtually no critical examination, only surface statements and dismissal. Since this document was created explicitly to support the quick general statements in Z1 Part 1, this laziness by way of a “denial of relevance” is profound.

He 'justifies' by stating:
“The problem is that she overloads readers with so much information, that it is hard to weed out what to believe and what not to believe, so naturally some people would just assume she knows what she's talking about. She's a liar, end of story.”

Too much information? This is an even more profound form of mental blocking, where the task of review is not met with the initiative, so the act is outright dismissed by way of excuse. In this case, there is “too much” to review. Too much what... EVIDENCE? As far as “She's a liar, end of story” it once again proves the presupposed, highly biased disposition - hence mental illness - and thus rationalized refusal to follow up and evaluate the dozens of independent sources presented within the text's documentation.

3)Now, Edward L Winston aside, the final point to be made, which has been brought to my attention too many times at this stage, is the “Red Herring Angle” used by many of the members of his forum, which transfers their biases in regard to the sections on “Conspiracy” in my early film, to The Zeitgeist Movement itself, often saying something like “they are all just a bunch of conspiracy theorists at the TZM”. There is no critical examination of any of my lectures, no critical examination of our 90 page Orientation Guide, etc. Nothing. It is dismissal by association in a profoundly biased way... which is yet another form of psychological denial.

In my research through the forum, I could not find one tangible criticism of our work in regard to a RBE - only surface attacks based on the three issues I have presented here.

Once again, please note that this isnt as much about the published content of the site itself and its direct attacks towards me and TZM... My concern here is really the cultural phenomenon of “mind lock” and the large scale mental illness which continues to stifle new information and hence intellectual growth. It is really quiet scary when you think about it, and it goes to show what an uphill battle something like The Zeitgeist Movement has to contend with.

In the end, the merit of any idea should be based on the evidence available, scientifically analyzed in an objective way... not dismissed/clouded because the idea is contrary to the traditional, prevailing world views and values. If no one ever challenged anything the established orders decreed as the sole truth, people would still believe the world was flat. The “Intellectual Inhibition” occurring in society is likely the number one barrier we have in presenting our case for RBE. Human beings are not rational, sadly, so I hope everyone understands what we mean when we say that education is the number one priority.
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Last Edit: 2010/04/25 17:40 By peterjoseph.
“What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.” -Albert Pine
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Re:Consp-Science.com: A Case Study in Intellectual Inhibition 3 Hours, 52 Minutes ago  
Not to be the devil's advocate, but I do not think that Ed Winston is mentally ill. What he wants is just facts and sources. Some of the other users on Con-science appear to be more trollish, while Winston, at least initially, seemed to be sympathetic to the Venus Project's stated goals. I could also understand anyone who is frustrated by the spirit on these forums (TZM forums that be).

There are a lot of wonderful people here who really are ready to give everything for a resource-based society, but there are also large swathes of people who are obsessed with 9/11, other conspiracy theories, alternative medicine, 2012 and the ascension of the rainbow dolphin age and so on.

It is my belief that quantity doesn't quality make. If there isn't a clear common goal which all members are actively striving towards, the movement can at best serve as a spawn ground for other - smaller movements (RBEF for example).

I think some of the things on Conspiracy Science are a bit creepy, like the attempt by Anticultist to depict Jacque Fresco as a cult leader, which there isn't a shred of actual evidence of apart from Anticultist's own associations.

The thing is, instead of going defensive, the best way to cope with such criticism is to try to understand why people are sceptical and how the public relations could be improved. Slander, rumours and personal attacks though, should never be accepted.

It is my personal hope that Zeitgeist III will help to clear the question marks and help to make the Zeitgeist Movement more acceptable to the mainstream currents of society.
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Re:Consp-Science.com: A Case Study in Intellectual Inhibition 3 Hours, 40 Minutes ago  
Not to be the devil's advocate, but I do not think that Ed Winston is mentally ill. What he wants is just facts and sources.

A mental illness is a psychological or behavioral pattern that occurs in an individual and is thought to cause distress or disability.

The term disability is key here and while we can have a diff in opinion, I feel these acts are pathological and no rational interaction will change them. As far as "sources", go back and read what was written. You are missing information. Sources are there and have been from day one. There is no justification for his refusal to engage them in a total way, other than a pathological inhibition.

There are a lot of wonderful people here who really are ready to give everything for a resource-based society, but there are also large swathes of people who are obsessed with 9/11, other conspiracy theories, alternative medicine, 2012 and the ascension of the rainbow dolphin age and so on.

It is my belief that quantity doesn't quality make. If there isn't a clear common goal which all members are actively striving towards, the movement can at best serve as a spawn ground for other - smaller movements (RBEF for example).

I think some of the things on Conspiracy Science are a bit creepy, like the attempt by Anticultist to depict Jacque Fresco as a cult leader, which there isn't a shred of actual evidence of apart from Anticultist's own associations.

The thing is, instead of going defensive, the best way to cope with such criticism is to try to understand why people are sceptical and how the public relations could be improved. Slander, rumours and personal attacks though, should never be accepted.

It is my personal hope that Zeitgeist III will help to clear the question marks and help to make the Zeitgeist Movement more acceptable to the mainstream currents of society.

While I somewhat can agree overall, these points are auxiliary to the issues presented. I don't want this thread to be hijacked by irrelevancy. But yes, I hope Z3 helps with the educational imperative. That is an obvious goal of mine.
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Last Edit: 2010/04/25 16:00 By admin.
“What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.” -Albert Pine
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Re:Consp-Science.com: A Case Study in Intellectual Inhibition 3 Hours, 25 Minutes ago  
I used to think that the mind lock phenomenon is exclusive to politics and religion. With help of you, Peter, and other sources, I have realized that these locks are everywhere in plain sight. This is slightly off-topic, Peter, but when did you first realize this Social Pathology, in particular the idea of the "invisible prison"? In "Who is Peter Joseph", you say that your mother's social work influenced you from an early age, but, of course, you had to analyze this data.
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Last Edit: 2010/04/25 16:04 By Homo Cyberneticus.
- Marino (www.facebook.com/MarinoMontagno)

"Cybernetics" was coined in 1948 by U.S. mathematician Norbert Wiener (1894-1964) from Gk. kybernetes "steersman," perhaps based on 1830s Fr. cybernétique "the art of governing."

Homo Cyberneticus, thus, means: "Man, steersman of his own destiny"
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Re:Consp-Science.com: A Case Study in Intellectual Inhibition 3 Hours, 24 Minutes ago  
The problem with truthism as I see it, is not if it is correct or not, but simply that it by its very nature is an impotent ideology. Granted, christianity also has its own "truthist myth" (Nero's alleged arsony of Rome in year 64 AD). The problem with truthism is that it is keeping people preoccupied with things which aren't proven, while it is proven that the current socio-economic system is causing millions of excess deaths each year, that imperialist states are waging subversive warfare against third world countries, and that the states have worked to break up progressive groups.

If there are any factual errors in the fractional reserve banking parts, they should obviously be addressed, as the criticism of the fractional reserve banking obviously is a cornerstone of the Zeitgeist Movement.

I wonder if there is any debunking of Winston's debunking of the Zeitgeist Addendum film which is addressing the points he is making? And define "total way"?

Science is based very much on Peer Review, which means that you A) need to get published by an established journal or in a university, and need to have your work examined by other scientists in the field. That is to prevent belief-based systems to enter the realm of science.

The current problem for TZM is mainly a problem of trust. The question is not whether people are liking your ideology, but whether they think it is trustable and could improve their lives. I believe that if TZM survives the first years, it is very likely that it could build up momentum and become a respected movement which is thought by many to be able to have the solutions. At that point though, the smear and hate campaign would be intensified. If you want to change society, people would always question your intentions, and those in power will use that to try to break you or make you fold into the norm. It is best to be prepared in advance.
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Re:Consp-Science.com: A Case Study in Intellectual Inhibition 3 Hours, 9 Minutes ago  

If there are any factual errors in the fractional reserve banking parts, they should obviously be addressed, as the criticism of the fractional reserve banking obviously is a cornerstone of the Zeitgeist Movement.

There are none. Everything is taken directly out of Modern Money Mechanics, created by the Fed itself. And no, the FR banking issue is peripheral to TZM, not a "cornerstone".
The monetary expansion attribute is a problem... but it far from the cornerstone of our grievances with the monetary system... and very far from the cornerstone of TZM. I amazed to hear you say that, for it shows a profound ignorance of what we are about. Read this:

I wonder if there is any debunking of Winston's debunking of the Zeitgeist Addendum film which is addressing the points he is making? And define "total way"?

Unless he intends to debunk the feds own documents, i think not.

Science is based very much on Peer Review, which means that you A) need to get published by an established journal or in a university, and need to have your work examined by other scientists in the field. That is to prevent belief-based systems to enter the realm of science.

That's beyond the scope of this thread and when it comes to sourced info, based on many others' research- many of which have done peer review for the work we extrapolate from them. Our work is "composite" and yes, we will eventually construct treatments for peer review.
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Last Edit: 2010/04/25 16:16 By peterjoseph.
“What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.” -Albert Pine
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Re:Consp-Science.com: A Case Study in Intellectual Inhibition 3 Hours, 8 Minutes ago  
Winston is maybe ok, comparing to the other guys on the CS forums. I've just been there a minute ago, and guess what they do, they observe this forum for any new threads and then comment on them. Talk about stalkers and weirdos.

Imagine if those guys focused all of their energy used trolling, on something productive...wow...
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Re:Consp-Science.com: A Case Study in Intellectual Inhibition 3 Hours, 4 Minutes ago  
Peter, but when did you first realize this Social Pathology, in particular the idea of the "invisible prison"? In "Who is Peter Joseph", you say that your mother's social work influenced you from an early age, but, of course, you had to analyze this data.

My mother's experience did have an effect. I remember her coming back from a case where a father traded his family into slavery for a pickup truck. ;(
As far as this social neurosis of denial and the pathological state it creates , I have some very religious family... need i say more.
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Last Edit: 2010/04/25 16:19 By peterjoseph.
“What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.” -Albert Pine
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Re:Consp-Science.com: A Case Study in Intellectual Inhibition 3 Hours, 2 Minutes ago  
Wow, my religious family was the spark for me too! Maybe religion does have some benefit.
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Last Edit: 2010/04/25 16:22 By Homo Cyberneticus.
- Marino (www.facebook.com/MarinoMontagno)

"Cybernetics" was coined in 1948 by U.S. mathematician Norbert Wiener (1894-1964) from Gk. kybernetes "steersman," perhaps based on 1830s Fr. cybernétique "the art of governing."

Homo Cyberneticus, thus, means: "Man, steersman of his own destiny"
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Re:Consp-Science.com: A Case Study in Intellectual Inhibition 3 Hours, 2 Minutes ago  
Lux wrote:
Science is based very much on Peer Review, which means that you A) need to get published by an established journal or in a universityUnfortunately this approach contains inherent corruption, similar to the monetary system's assumption for investment: "those who acquire more money are more suited to invest money properly for the betterment of humanity", which seems in reality to not be valid. The corruption in this case is about the methods of thinking, not about material and social power.

The established academia assumes that those who get published in higher impact journals, have more papers published, and get cited more often in other papers, are thus more influential, and this implies they have better understanding of the subject. Which is not necessarily true, because people can be the best at being influential, without really being the best at their understanding.
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Last Edit: 2010/04/25 16:33 By katastron.
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