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Hate Mail


Hate Mail - Here's how and why you're wrong.

Sender: ghb gdhds <>
Subject: Here's how and why you're wrong.
Type: Corrections
Added: Feb 05, 2010
Sent to: Edward L Winston

1st of all you say that linking of a youtube video doesn't prove evidence of a conspiracy and yet you on numerous occasions throughout your sight link to unrealiable sources like youtube and worse wikjipedia (I'm refering to your building 7 article in the septmember 11 section.) It's really amazing that you talk turkey that their eviendence doesn't count and yet you do the exact same thing .

Also FEMA camps DO exist: see for yourself nick-nock.

how come you haven't debunked alex jones films like say, TERRORSTORM of AMERICAN POLICE STATE series or better yet 9/11 the road to martial law?? That's because the evidence is soooo overwehling and PROOF you can't and you won't be able to. The things covered in that documentries is too much for your so call "conspiracy science". Ha.

Here's more proof of the globalist agenda:

The answer to your second question is, when you work for what I was working on, they don’t allow you to leave, so I was down there literally for ten years, they have basically working, middle-class style homes down there that you can live in. If you try to leave they’ll capture your from your house in the middle of the night and take you to what they called “MEDUSSA”; In short, it’s a re-programming center. They brainwash you into wanting to never leave, to think the work you were working on was good.


OMEGA is the code name for…literally a super city located under Denver International Airport. It’s roughly the size of Los Angeles; I was told this by a young woman who’s lived under the DIA her entire life, she was what we called a “pod baby”.

Eric Davis
This information….it’s just unbelievable. What is it they plan to do with it? Is it functioning? Where and how did they get the money to build this super city?

They started building the super city around the early 50’s, the underground facilities and laboratories had been existence there since the late 40’s. I’m unaware where they got the money and how long it got them to complete it. What "

Face the facts kid, the NEW WORLD ORDER is real and it's coming soon, but unlike you i'm prepared, have fun with your blog you bitch.

>> 1st of all you say that linking of a youtube video doesn't prove evidence of a conspiracy and yet you on numerous occasions throughout your sight link to unrealiable sources like youtube and worse wikjipedia (I'm refering to your building 7 article in the septmember 11 section.) It's really amazing that you talk turkey that their eviendence doesn't count and yet you do the exact same thing .

If I'm linking the video to display something, such as a building collapsing, that's fine. If I'm linking to an entire film that provides no sources and attempting to use that as evidence as an entire conspiracy, well that's something else.

>> Also FEMA camps DO exist: see for yourself nick-nock.

Hilarious. Did you ever actually look into what those locations actually are? Most are air force bases, closed interment camps, or places out in the middle of no where that were picked "just because they seemed like ideal places." That list has been floating around the Internet since at least 1996. Here are the ones for alabama alone:

>> how come you haven't debunked alex jones films like say, TERRORSTORM of AMERICAN POLICE STATE series or better yet 9/11 the road to martial law??

Because I haven't yet. If you would have READ the ALEX JONES page, I explained I did the films I found transcripts for first.

>> That's because the evidence is soooo overwehling and PROOF you can't and you won't be able to. The things covered in that documentries is too much for your so call "conspiracy science". Ha.


>> Here's more proof of the globalist agenda:

I guess proof to you is just someone saying it's true, you don't need physical evidence.

>> I was told this by a young woman who’s lived under the DIA her entire life, she was what we called a “pod baby”.

That right there invalidates the entire series of quotes you pasted me, because it's not evidence. If I said I had lunch with aliens and JFK yesterday, I bet you'd believe it.

>> Face the facts kid, the NEW WORLD ORDER is real and it's coming soon, but unlike you i'm prepared, have fun with your blog you bitch.

Yes, coming soon, just like JBS said 30 years ago, just like militia types were saying 20 years ago, and just like Alex Jones started saying 15 years ago. And 30, 20, 15 more years it will be the same thing.

Face the facts kid, you're completely blind and you believe in a religion that doesn't need evidence, after all you believe something fantastic just because someone said he was "told by a young woman". Keep up the good work Mr. Internet gumshoe detective.

[ Apparently he's right because he has a quote from someone, oh and a Google maps list! ]

Excuse me the whole "I can't find them" excuse is just pathetic. You won't even try hard enough, that's your goddamn problem. You fucking Atheist shits and goddamn progressives are leading this country towards Sodam & Gommerah in a hurry. Because of you people, we've got dykes and queers getting married and some damn welfare case as a president.

And you call this a free country? Try this:

go and youtube and type in banned MTV commerical showcasing martial law and tell me it's not coming.

Have fun living in the matrix docuhe.

[ How do the more stable conspiracy theorists put up with the hate mongering ones? ]

How dare you post that garbage about me being a hate monger just because I speak my fuckin mind. Unlike you, I'm not politically correct nobody who automatically associates some as being "Hateful" just because they're being honest and how I feared what you people have done to my fucking country. It's because of people like you, this country is in the situation it is. You're just one of many leftist douche bags who thinks he knows the world because he does nothing but sit on his computer all day. Fuck you. Turn on the evening news and take a look at where affirmative action is laxed immigration policy has gotten America. Take a look at the leftist agenda and how we allow homosexuals to marry, and you and I both know what's next. Men in their 30's marrying children and you could care less coludn't you?

Just one question fag-fucker/lover: How do you know the New World Order doesn't exist, huh? You're pro-globalist chances are, bitch

[ This guy doesn't know when to stop does he? "How dare anyone call me a hate monger, what's next with fag marriage, kids and grown men!?" Not to mention implying all blacks are on welfare with his whole "welfare case as president." In the real world we call that racism. ]

[ He doesn't seem to get that he's allowed to speak his mind, but that I'm allowed to share what he says to me too. ]

[ Apparently speaking your mind makes you immune from criticism. Interestingly, he's allowed to criticize me, but I can't criticize him. That's the classic infallibility I always mention with the really hardcore conspiracy theorists. Being a conspiracy theorist doesn't make you immune from criticism. ]

[ Let's see what gem he comes up with next! ]